Mountain Bike Safety Tips for Beginners

mountain biker crashing

Mountain biking is one of the fastest growing sports in the world. It’s also getting more and more popular with people of all ages! Although it is a fun and exciting sport, there are many dangers associated with mountain biking, including slipping on rocks, getting knocked off your bike, and falling. In this post, I’ll talk about some of the primary safety tips for mountain biking.

Mountain biking is a great way to get fit and burn a lot of calories, but it can also be dangerous. If you’re planning on mountain biking with friends or family, it’s always a good idea to make sure that everyone is wearing a helmet. You don’t want to be thrown from your bike, or have your head hit the ground or another vehicle, and end up with injuries that could potentially lead to death.

One of the awesome things about mountain biking is that you can go for hours and not feel any pain. It can be tricky to know exactly how much water your body needs, so you should carry lots of water with you. This is especially true when the terrain is steep and rocky. Not only will you want to hydrate yourself, but you’ll need to keep hydrated as well so that your body doesn’t dehydrate. Nowadays, there are lots of different hydration packs on the market that allow you to carry a minimum of 3 liters of water while on the move.

Mountain biking is considered an extreme sport therefore it is recommended that you take the necessary precautions. One of the most important safety precautions is wearing protective gear like elbow and knee pads. A lot of people see mountain biking as a low-risk activity because it doesn’t involve any contact with other riders they don’t plan on riding near cliffs or on steep terrain. But, mountain biking can still be dangerous, especially if you’re not careful about your speed and hit unexpexted terrain. So wear some pads!

Check that your mountain bike is in good working order before you ride. Check your front tire pressure. It shouldn’t be so stiff that your bouncing off of stuff as you ride, and it shouldn’t be so soft that you pinch flat or distroy your rims. Give that wheel a spin. Make sure it’s spinning straight. Check that your thru axle is on tight (the screw that keeps your wheel in place). Now do the same for the rear. Next, make sure your brakes are working. You don’t want to test that while your heading downhill! Check your chain and your shifting. Bounce your bike a few time to check suspension and make sure there are no noises that might indicate something is loose.

This is a quick list of things you can do keep yourself as safe as possible. Also do a search for ettiquette of MTB trails so your in the know. Take some skills lessons from an MTB skills coach near you. They give you some foundational skills that will start you off on the right foot, but will also increase the safety factor. A bonus of hiring a mountain bike coach when you go to a trail you haven’t been before is that they also act as a guide, which will build your confidence for the days you go it alone.

Lastly, have fun!

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